Hi girls!!! I hope you all are doing fine in this lockdown. I know it's a bit stressful sometimes, but I also know that soon this too shall pass. So I had an idea of sharing a few things which I did or I am currently doing in this lockdown. 

Here are 15 things to do in this lockdown:

1. Painting, yes that sounds fun. It can involve anything that you like. Eg: sketching, shading, doodles anything as per your wish.

2. You can also do some self photoshoot, get some ideas from Pinterest, and just do it. It's fun.

3. Try to make some new recipes, like I made this Vegan Tom yum soup the other day and it tasted amazing. 

4. Take out some me-time. This can be done anytime in the day where you have to just sip a coffee or tea with the sound of nature, and with some soft music playing in the background, that's optional. Trust me, you'll love it.

5. Try to learn a new language, there are many applications that can help you with that. Also, it keeps your brain in working mode.

6. Create or share your content on Youtube or Blogger, Wordpress. This might help other people to get inspired by you.

7. This may sound funny, but yes you can just clean your wardrobe. Sought out some unwanted clothes and donate them.

8. Do some workout to keep your body maintained. I personally follow Blogilates workout sessions. You can find it https://youtu.be/xEoCXW09-pk.

9. Watch some series, movies, short films, documentaries on Netflix, etc.

10. Clean your mobile and laptop data, unwanted data that's eating up your phone memory. 

11. Play some indoor games with your family.

12. Attend webinars, workshops, do some courses that will improve your skills.

13. Do some DIYs, like you can make some fridge magnets from leftover metal caps, make some dreamcatchers out of waste.

14. Make smoothies for breakfast.

15. Last but not the least, put on some of your favorite music and just dance. This activity is really a stress buster and a workout too.

You can share with me some of the activities that you are currently doing in this lockdown. I'll be happy to try out some new things.

Till then..............
Take care and stay healthy.
Adios ..........


Unknown said…
Unknown said…
This looks funn!!
uniques blog said…
Thank you so much.....means a lot