Hi girls, hope you all are doing great. Long time no see, I know I know. Finally, I am here back with a beauty blog post again. After posting two blog posts related to lifestyle and food I thought let's post my third blog post about beauty, as many of them visit my blog just to read stuff that's related to beauty.

So, today we will talk about this abso-fantabulously-fantastic product which is called "TINT". I really don't know who, when, and why invented tints but they are of good use though. Trust me!!!!!!!!!!!!
Girls who don't like to put loads of makeup on their face will really like tints or it can be useful on days when you want to look so-called natural.

As you can see there are two tints in the photos that I've uploaded. The one with the white cap is the older version and the one with black cap is the newer version of the tint from the same company i.e the face shop. You can find them here.
If you want to see the difference between these two you can visit my IG page by clicking here

1. Easy to use.
2. Blends easily on your cheeks, lips, wherever you want to apply it.
3. Can carry them easily in your makeup pouch.
4. Mixes well in moisturizers, lotions, etc, so you can mix it up with them and then apply.
5. Stays for like 4-5 hrs if applied nicely.
6. There are 5 shades available.

1. You need to blend it properly or else there will be patches everywhere.
2. Sometimes it settles in your lip creases if you apply it as a lipstick.
3. All you have to do is blend asap and that's frustrating sometimes.

1. Mix it with any moisturizer you have like Nivea or Vaseline it'll make it blend easily and smoothly.
2. They are far better than blushes, as they stay for a longer time.
3. It looks like a natural blush if you blend it properly.
4. Try to buy the newer version that's more user friendly.
5. There are many other brands as well that you can try.
6. Don't just apply it on the apples of your cheeks you should dab some on your nose as well to get that natural look.

I hope my review of these two tints was useful enough. You should really buy tints in the future, as they are worth it and it will make your makeup routine a bit easier. Thank me later!!!!!!!!!
Till then...........
Take care
Stay beautiful.
