Hi everyone!!! This is my very first August blogpost. Actually, I wanted it to be something that's related to food again. Yaa, I know I have posted loads of food blogs in this lockdown, but I guess that's fine. Moving on, today I want to share with you'll these 3 amazing recipes that you can try at your home when your craving some coffee. I hope everyone here knows the basic ingredients that you need to make coffee, so I won't go in detail about the ingredients and will only focus on making.

All you need is: (For all 3 recipes)
1. Coffee (I have used Nescafe sachets here)
2. Sugar
3. Milk
4. Water

1. Iced Coffee (Without milk):
  1. First, make sure that you have ice in your refrigerator. 
  2. Then empty two sachets of Nescafe in a vessel. (You can add 1 sachet as well again totally depends on your taste buds)
  3. Add one cup of water to it, and boil it.
  4. Let it cool.
  5. Transfer it to a mug/mason jar etc.
  6. Add some sugar plus some cold water as much you need, I mean it depends upon your taste.
  7. Add some ice cubes and ta-da your done.

2. Cold coffee (With Milk):
  1. Again for this recipe, you require ice.
  2. Empty two sachets of Nescafe in a vessel. 
  3. Add one cup of water to it, and boil it.
  4. Let it cool.
  5. Transfer it to a mug/mason jar etc.
  6. Add some sugar as much you need, I mean it depends upon your taste. (You can also add sugar while brewing the coffee)
  7. Add one cup of milk, mix it.
  8. Add some ice cubes and that's it, your cold coffee is ready.

3. Dalgona coffee:
  1. Whisk 1 tbsp of each sugar, coffee, and hot water in a bowl till its thick or foamy.
  2. Take a cup, add 1 cup of milk, add some ice.
  3. Later add the foam that you have created on top of it.
  4. Mix it properly and your so-called Dalgona coffee is done.
 (I personally tried making Dalgona coffee for the first time in my life especially for this blog post and it turned out good. Only people who like their coffee to be too strong I think this recipe suits them well. You can also try Dalgona coffee using hot milk, it totally depends on your choice.)

I hope you'll really try making at least one of these recipes in this lockdown. My personal favourite is Iced coffee without milk. Let me know your favourite in the comments below or on Instagram. 
Disclaimer: Don't add too much ice as you know ice is not that good for your throat also don't get addicted to any of these coffee recipes)
Till then...........
Stay healthy and beautiful💋


Vicky said…
Me first time heared about dalgona coffee.
uniques blog said…
Thank you Deepak ;)
uniques blog said…
Then you should really try making one Vicky :)